4 Reasons Why YardTrac Pro is The Future of Yard Management

4 Reasons Why YardTrac Pro is The Future of Yard Management

01 May 2022

Yardtrac Pro  is a full featured YMS system that is compatible with both android and apple phones that are powered by Exotrac. Now you may be wondering, who and what is Exotrac, and what is it that they do? Below are four key facts about what Exotrac is and why our app, Yardtrac Pro, is the future of Yard Management

1) We are the Leader in Smartphone, YMS Technology

Founded in 2005, Exotrac started as a grassroot company using CM10s, which were bulky Nextel phones that were military grade, meaning they could survive the wear and tear of the yard and then some. Today, a typical Exotrac phone is a highly modified android phone that has the internet and the ability to download other apps (like Candy Crush) locked to ensure that your employees are using the phones purely for work purposes. The androids are equipped with a waterproof case that also protects your phone from cracking, breaking, or malfunctioning. The phones have a camera built into them which allows employees to scan custom bar codes which mark each trailer, this allows employees to perform yard checks that can be uploaded into the cloud notifying all parties of their completion.

2) We Offer a Completely Customizable YMS App

Exotrac builds straightforward, practical applications to manage complex operational needs – powerful tools that are easy to use. As referenced above, Yardtrac Pro has the ability to perform yard checks as well as to locate containers, manage fleet logistics, locate drivers, notify a spotter were and when to move containers, allow security check ins, and streamline the entire yard process from the dock door to the open road. Better yet, our cloud based solutions are tailored to each client’s specific needs and help them realize the many benefits of a paperless system. Exotrac feels that our application’s various opportunities for customization, will meet your business needs in a swift manner.

Worried about our YMS system working with your already established WMS or TMS systems? Since each of our apps are customized for each of our clients, Yardtrac Pro seamlessly integrates with most preexisting WMS and TMS systems to help create a powerful end to end solution to take your operation to the next level of success.

3) Allows You to Minimize Detention and Demurrage Costs

Looking to minimize detention and demurrage costs? Yardtrac Pro offers the ability to time stamp each yard check as well as send out automatic email notifications to carriers when a yard check is complete. This gives your employees more time to focus on other pressing matters at the yard instead of spending hours doing yard checks. Our app also sends out push notifications to your drivers, spotters, security guards, and your yard manager to help your workers communicate important things like updated yard moves, containers that need to be located in a timely manner, and changes in the schedule.

We also include push notifications within our app to alert drivers of important changes that have been made to the dock schedule. “[Push] notifications are super powerful because they keep your users’ days running smoothly, which in turn increases [Yardtrac]’s reliability and retention” (Annum Munir of localytics.com). According to CNet, push notifications on an app, like Yardtrac Pro, not only saves your workers time, but it increases productivity by 31%.

Another benefit to the latest advancements in yard management is that you can save money by eliminating manual paper processes, and radios by communicating through our native mobile applications. Which increases visibility and accountability of all assets by tracking them in real time. That way you can optimize the efficiency of your yard from the gate, through the yard, and to the dock by providing full access to everyone from anywhere.

4) Turn Key Solution

Many clients worry that Yardtrac Pro will take months to be installed, which is far from the case. Our solution can be installed in weeks rather than months, and unlike our competition, no IT infrastructure is needed. Our cloud based software can be accessed through any data connection on any device, providing ultimate visibility and utility to all users at every level. Exotrac is your one stop shop for cloud hosting, hardware and data wrapped into one low monthly rate.

For these reasons, we feel that Exotrac is the future of yard management. By switching to a paperless system, such as Yardtrac, you will see your worker’s productivity flourish and your company will be on the cutting edge of the latest yard management technology currently available on the market. If you are still having trouble deciding if Exotrac is the right YMS system for you, you can schedule a demo with us today. To learn more about our YardTrac Pro by e-mailing us at info@exotrac.com or giving us a call at 212-989-0171.

Exotrac was founded in 2005, and is the leading provider of real time logistics management software for the automotive, manufacturing, retail, and supply chain logistics industries. Our innovative and cost-effective yard management software solutions utilize the latest cutting edge cloud based and mobile technologies. For more information on Exotrac, visit exotrac.com.

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